Wednesday, 16 October 2013
Thursday, 10 October 2013
Costume Choices
I decided I would use my skills of art to create an inspiration collage that myself and Erica can look at when we feel the need for inspiration towards the costume choice. The Collage helps because its different costumes we like and its about finding the different material and outfits and accessories and drawing them together to make the best yet suitable costumes for our music video.
We have decided for our music video after researching into these videos we shall be using bright colored outfits mainly dresses and denim jackets. Accessories we have thought about would be flower headbands or cute bows to create the feminity of the younger audiences and the target Audience of young teenagers that like the fashion style. We have decided to use sunglasses and straw hats to create the folkish feeling with this. Eliza Doolittle wears these 60's style iconic sunglasses which is what me and Erica plan to do to create the jazz and folk style. Going back to the conventions of jazz it has to look quite stylish yet formal.. Which is why me and Erica have planned to use summer time dresses to get the feel good vibes yet it is still stylish and rather quirky too. Going back with the conventions of folk we have decided to use my black acoustic guitar which can be related to the "silver lights" song itself. Hearing the acoustic wit hint the song at the beginning and in the verses this will also relate to the folk aspects of of couture choices.
When looking into different music videos such as "Big When I was Little" you can see the different kind of style Eliza Doolittle has from other artist like Jessie J or Beyonce. This is because she has a different target audience. Artist like Jessie J and Beyonce have a wider audience that differs in age because of the style of their music. Whereas Eliza Doolittle has her own style and that shows in her costume choise in each of her music videos too.
I have print screened some different outfits Eliza Doolittle wheres in different songs of hers.
For instance this shot of Eliza her sunglasses are very retro old school which can represent that Eliza can be seen as an old school kind of artist. Where as if Beyonce of Jessie J wore sunglasses you would possibly be looking for something a little bit more mainstream.
Again you wouldn't expect to see these kind of hats worn either in a lot more popular music videos. This is because Eliza Doolittles music is somewhere along the lines of folk/jazz/acoustic/pop. To create her right style of music video she needs to wear the right costumes. Just like any other artist would depending on there genre of song and record label. Eliza Doolittle has this kind of funky fresh edge to her costumes which screams out that she is trying to attract the new younger generations because they could be seen as funky and fresh because their the new generation.
When we get to this scene of Eliza in the record shop she is actually wearing a short yellow dress which shows that her target audience may be opening to a wider audience then we thought. I would say from what shes wearing at least 15 - 19 year olds is her target audience. Her costume choice bring our different things such as the colour's. There bright which could represent the happiness that Eliza is feeling throughout the song and the boldness of her personality. Yellow can be shown as a rather vulnerable colour and it represents the childish behavior and innocence.
In her music video of "RollerBlades" we see that Eliza is wearing short and a white strap top which clings well to her figure showing her femininity. It's the colour white which again is a pure colour. It can relate to her purity. The while colour is also reflection off her skin giving her an almost angelic glow to her face which could suggest that she is seen as a role model to the younger target audience. Again White, its a stand out colour its bold and bright.
Because she is wearing shorts it immediate adds to the whole femininity of showing her legs. Also shorts are mainly worn in the summer/spring time which could relate back to the season that she is in.
when looking at the music video "Believe It" by Cimorelli you get a whole different vibe from the colour's of their clothes for instance we see alot of floral patterns which again relates tot he summer feel good vibe. In contrast to that you also get their location of a beach which immedialty makes you think summer time. The lighting in this video is something myself and Erica really like. which is why were going to try and get these different kind of sun rays in our video to create different blemish on the camera lens. It looks effect because of the summer vibes. However with this kind of style video from Cimorelli it really does work.
Their costume choices our bright and over the top which makes them stand out against their surroundings. There's alot of pinks, greens, blues and yellows which all to me are bright summer colour's. This is something myself and Erica would need to take into concideraton when finding the right costumes. The more colours their tends to be in a costume the more feel good and happy you get about the music video.
With the picture of Lauren from Cimorelli with the glasses and head band and bubbles. It just shows that the props. location and costumes all play a part together in helping come up with the right emotions to portray across. Along with the help of the colours. This is something that myself and Erica really do need to look into when we come to finding our costumes. This is because of the kind of themes we would like to go for in our music video. Also we should be thinking about the accessorizes of hats, flowers, sunglasses ad jewelry and nail varnish. These are little tiny things that draw attention to the costume and performers making them stand out alot more. This is something myself and Erica need to sit down and discuss.
I find that our main inspiration for our costume choise would be from Eliza Doolittle and possibly the cimorelli girl band. Even though Lenka would be a good choice I don't think her fashion sense would fit into our music video as well. Lenka's voice is rather girlie and her whole music video is rather cheesy and sweet. Her outfit actually goes well with her music and song. Whereas our song is more out going and bold with a rather big personality.
I think Erica Hall and myself need to think about wearing bold colours that stand out against our locations we have picked because then the star image is bold and it represents the bold vibrant good feeling that we are going for in our music video. Overall our style and costume choices for our music video will be quirky yet fashionable however it will always target at the target audience we have aimed our music video at. For instance bright colors, flowers, cheesy sunglasses - possibly younger teenager girls.
- Collages self made using Google Images and Apple App called "BamBoo" to create the collages.
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