When producing a music video or any type of video you have to think about the health and safety issues within the actual shooting aspects of making the music video. This is why I have decided to come up with a risk assessment. This includes things such as checking props, costumes, technical equipment and performance area.
Risk assessment's are actually very important and should be followed by all performers and directors on set. A risk assessment is actually a very professional thing to use and follow. Having done many shows with the school I already have a basic knowledge of how a risk assessment should be used and when it should be checked. Any form of performing aspects should all have risk assessments. This is to ensure and be aware of dangerous areas of filming.
I have come up with this table and tried to use the following basic rules of how a risk assessment should be laid out - clear and organised structure, easy to understand. This risk assessment should also be shown to all performers before shooting. Furthermore all areas being used should be checked before hand and told to the performers. To ensure they are ready to go.
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