Sunday, 16 March 2014

Advert final outcome

This is the final outcome of the advert for the anciallary text. As you can see we have kept to strict code lines for our Advert to meet the correct brief and criteria given. Our adver matches our Digi-Pak to proffesional standards due to the fact that the image that has bene used is the same costume throughout the music video and the digi-pak which keeps up that consitentency throughout the anciallry part and construction making it symbolic for audience memmbers to see and point out thinking "Oh thats the song from Drew Tabors new album".

From the research process of the "advert analysis" we picked up certian ideas that influenced us for instance using quotes, raiting marks and then of course the usual social networking sites alonside the actual day the digi-pak comes out.

Overall this is our final outcome of our Advert for our ancially texts. I think that it fits the codes and convetions of the chosen genre of the song, most of that is played on the setting, costume and props. For example symbolic costumes/props. Everything you see in this advert has been used throughout otherworks - Music video, Digi-Pak. Also the text we have decided to keep the same to keep that symbolic sign up for example it would be eaiser for an audience to match the digi-pak with the advert because of the font, costume and setting.

I think that our advert looks slick, proffesional and seems to meet Goodwins theory, like of 3 making it eyecatching and bold. Feedback from other members of the media group have also said that it looks very proffesional. This is exactly what myself and Erica Hall wanted.

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