Thursday, 3 April 2014

Question 4 Evaluation

How did you use media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation stage? 

Throughout the A2 project of making a music video I had to learn how to use new technology and develop some of my original skills with the use of technologies. A lot of these technology's have been useful within the construction, research and planning stage. This is something that I'm going to be evaluating in this essay. 

When researching and planning the music video I found YouTube a great source to use. This is because it allows you to search artist, songs, or the lyrics into the search bar.

When finding a song for the research and planning stage YouTube was a very big help because it allowed myself and Erica to watch or listen to original songs from actual You Tuber's. This is where are actual song "silver lights" by Drew Tabor for our construction actually come from. A lot of the YouTube clips that myself and Erica used where for research and planning stages towards our music video. E.g. the different artist that we found online were YouTube artists which mostly influenced our coursework. We mainly used YouTube as our main source for research and planning. The good thing about using YouTube is it allowed us to research into similar artists. Ways we found this would be by typing one of our main artists "Eliza Doolittle" clicking on one of her videos and then scrolling down to the side bar where it comes up with "similar artist" or " related searches". What this does is, brings up similar style artist. This helped a lot throughout my research and planning because it took me to artist I would of never thought of in that category genre. 

When I actually went onto Drew Tabor's official YouTube Page - It had a side bar straight away suggesting other related searches... Which came up with another band Cimorelli, This is one way how we got our other research for instance the costume choices or mis en scene places. 

We used YouTube a lot  through out the use of research and planning stages for our coursework such as viewing videos for different interpretations and influences. YouTube is a massive inspiration source for Erica Hall and myself. Most of the bands that we looked at and researched into were some YouTube artists. Overalls YouTube is a website where anybody around the world could watch your videos you upload - you could instantly by 1 video become a massive YouTube inspiration. Aka "famous - in the land of YouTube". This is also why we decided to upload our final outcome to the music video on this website. Uploading to YouTube was a big help within the evaluating process because it allowed myself to quickly type into the search bar the title and our video would come up straight away. Making it easy and beneficial to use.

Throughout this year and last year of our media course we had to make a Blogger account to blog our work that we have been doing throughout the process of research, planning and filming. I actually enjoy using Blogger because its very easy to navigate around and quick and simple if I need to look back at when commenting on my work. Blogger is basically an online internet diary where you update weekly about the process of your filming or any new ideas you've had. I started using Blogger when I started the course of Media in 6th form. Ever since then I have been using it and developing my skills. Blogger overall has been a main source throughout the project.

The times I used blogger would be when I was typing out evaluations or wanting to save work onto my blog so I could look back at for the planning stage. I used blogger frequently throughout the researching and planning process. I've become comfortably confident with navigating around Blogger now because of developing my technique throughout these 2 years.

When i would gather research I would always post it on Blogger add notes... Then when I needed too I would look back to it and see What I suggested. This influenced mine and Erica Hall's way of working alot. 

MagazinesWhen thinking about different magazine articles. I actually looked at alot of the magazines websites because they came up with different sections.. Its better because its more digital and technical which links in with seeing how they make a magazine come to life on the internet. Magazine articles that influenced the final outcome would be "NME" -  NME WEBSITE  (Click here for the website) When working on the digipak (ancillary texts) such as the advert and digipak the magazines were a very big influences on inspiration. Such as how to capture the right photo in the right place using lines of 3. Where to place text.. How to make it eye catching for an audience. Another Magazine website I looked at would be  Q Magazine (Click here for the website) - Looking at both of these magazines really helped alot during the ancillary text part of the course. Furthermore developing technology skills such as using YouTube again for developing techniques with Photoshop.

PhotoShop and Premier Pro
Without Premier Pro or Photoshop myself and Erica wouldn't have a final outcome to a music video of any of our ancillary texts. Being an Art student I already have a basic Knowledge of Photoshop and using Premier Pro last year helped alot more this year because their was alot more cutting to be made.
Photoshop helped during the whole process of making the advert and digi pak. Which looks something like this: 

Photoshop helped create the professional look towards our ancillary texts.texts. They're were constant flows of the same color quality throughout our work due to the color balance we choose such as changing the contrast and brightness then sharpening some pictures to make them look a little better quality. All of these different techniques on that software helped create the final professional slick outcome for our Digi pak and Advert. The advert I think overall would be my favorite part of of the ancillary text it looks pretty professional and something you would most likely see advertised on say "Spotify" - the new music browsing app for technology on the go.  

For Premier Pro Erica and I took it in turn to have an equal share of editing time. For instance we both had input and did different clips. When using Premier Pro Erica Hall and Myself only had a basic understanding. We didn't really know much about the editing techniques or the different transitions we could use. However after experimenting this year with the use of the different color balances, slow mo and transitions we were able to adapt our skills and knowledge alot more This is partly due to the AS course last year, we never really experiment with the use of transitions as well as we could, However this year we decided to change the speeds of some making it more of an emphasis and then we also got to use different transitions and effects. Premier Pro is always hard to get around I think but once you have about 20 minutes on it you can just work it really quickly. That's also a good thing because we had to re-shoot alot of our footage however when we came to editing it didn't take us that long at all because we knew what we were doing. This was an advantage because it meant we had more time on digi-pak and advert stuff with photo shop. 

Filming our Music Video meant that we had to use the school video cameras and take other equipment such as - tripod for different shots. Erica Hall filmed the whole of the music video because I was being the star image throughout the video... Also Erica Hall took the photos. However we took loads of random ones to see how to take better quality for instance - using macro for close up shots like this... We realized that macro is for more zoomed in shots.. however it did work pretty well on this photo and captured the great HD Quality. Which is exactly what we wanted.

The video camera we used for filming our music video was a "Panasonic HC-V10 digital video recorder". I already had a basic understanding on how to use a video camera due to last year when making a music video, however this year allowed myself and Erica Hall to really develop our skills and gain more confidence. I think overall our footage this year was alot better than our opening to a horror film. You could clearly see that the quality was alot more better and in focus. The digital video recorder actually allowed us to zoom in on close ups and was very easy to use and navigate. It has an effective high definition quality which is great because we want our audience members watching the music video to feel happy watching instead of finding it difficult to see the footage. Overall the outcome of the footage was to a high quality standard that myself and Erica wanted.

The camera we used originally didn't take great photos so we used a different one called "Lumix Digitial Camera" It had the perfect quality for where we were setting and it focused quickly and clearly on different parts which made it alot more easier in the editing process. When taking the photos we were constantly thinking about the grid lines that the camera gave us.. This meant it was alot easier for us to use the rule of 3 when snapping the pictures. We always made sure that we used it in every picture so the total focus of each one was on different parts of the picture. I think the quality and the rule of 3 were strong points within our photos. I also think we had the benefit too of being art students which means we have a big more background knowledge when it comes to taking good photos because we did a little section about how to work the camera settings better. Which is great because it gave us that advantage when making the digipak/advert I also think this is why we feel like our digipak looked alot better than what we thought because we had more knowledge and skill about the software we were using.

When looking into social media networking sites the first place we decided to distribute our music video too was Facebook, Just because it reaches our target audience range and allow's people to share the video around. For example the new app called "Vine" has been a massive hit on Facebook and people seem to be sharing new videos everyday. This is an easy way to gain likes and fans towards the song and to help create alot more views on our music video. When we shared our music video we were expecting about 3 likes.. However we gained more and alot more people commented on our post that what we actually thought. This goes to show most people actually do look at the videos that you post and shows that they're willing to watch, Furthermore our audience that we wanted was mainly aimed at girls and half the people that viewed our video were actually girls which suggest that we hit the right age and gender when sharing this online.

Overall the question of this evaluation is basically asking, how did we use these technologies, I think overall from this evaluation it is clear that I know how a confident understanding. I usually mess around with the technical side of things when it comes to finding new websites to use... I'm constantly finding new websites that could help or influence. I picked up using certain software easy wand quick which kept up this speed of professionalism within mine and Erica's group. I think I now know I have a better understanding of whats what and how I would use blogger or a different website for a certain research and planning method. Since starting media. I've found other blogs and websites that could be used. I recently joined with blogging on Word Press and pick up how to navigate around this because of using blogger. It's very different but it was easy because I had that knowledge.  I think without any of this knowledge or any of these technical equipment that we used as sources I don't think our video would be as strong as it is watching it back. A lot of the inspiration and influences came from the internet through YouTube or other websites. All of these sources we have used have combined together to create our music video. 

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